Shared Learning Agreements

To create a learning environment in which all are honored, we ask that each of us make a commitment to uphold the following principles:

  • Uphold environmental responsibility. We ask students and teachers to join us in using fragrance-free and biodegradable products for chemically-sensitive folks as well as for our planet. We also request your mindfulness around plastic waste and encourage you to use reusable to-go ware when possible.

  • Make space for all abilities. We request support in ensuring all entry and exit aisles are maintained for full accessibility. We may also ask folks to adjust their position in the room in order for us to accommodate differing needs and abilities, including physical proximity to presenters for visual or auditory enhancement and/or wall access.

  • Maintain body positivity. We work to actively normalize the presence of all body types both as students and leaders in the yoga room.

  • Minimize harm and foster healthy boundaries. The student/teacher relationship is a sacred contract. 8 Limbs asks that all of our teachers ask for consent when giving touch, time or attention. We ask that students respect the boundaries of teachers and other students as well.

  • Use appropriate pronouns. Please look at the nametags of your fellow students and greet them in the way they’ve indicated they would like to be addressed. If you are unclear, please ask.

  • Ensure a balance of voices. Our facilitators are committed to making space for all voices to contribute to the conversation. Please be aware of the amount of time and space you use to weigh in, and mindfully help us create space for other voices to be heard during Q & A times.

  • Be mindful of financial advantages. We are grateful for your presence at this event. We understand that for some of you this could be the only such offering you’ll participate in this year, while for others this is one portion of your annual continuing education. Again, we ask that everyone be mindful of how we mutually make space for all.

  • Honor the seriousness of harm. 8 Limbs takes all reports of incidents of harm seriously and recognizes that it takes courage to come forward. We will do this by centering the impact and focusing on the harm. Any reported incidents of discrimination or other harmful behavior will be taken seriously. Follow-up, including acknowledging, gathering additional information, and reestablishing space or boundary, is to be expected.

If you have questions about these agreements, please connect with our teaching staff or write to